
Ffiw! 365 (wel…es i ar goll yn rwla a neud 366 rhywsut?!) llun wedi’i neud yn 2018. Pan nes i ddechra, oni’n meddwl ella swni ond yn neud llunia bach, ddim mynd mewn i llawer o fanylder - ond dwi methu neud hynna i ddeud y gwir…weithia odd rhaid i fi, ond mwy na dim oni just isho bod yn hapus efo bob llun oni wedi neud. Doeddwn i ddim wth gwrs… dwi chydig o berffeithydd rili… a dim mewn ffordd da!
Beth bynnag - dwi’n falch mod i wedi neud hyn, a odd o’n prosiect mor hir i gadw at, dwi’n eitha siocd mod i wedi gorffen o. Dwi’n person mwy o 'dechra a gorffen job mewn amser byr’, so odd cadw at prosiect mor hir a hyn yn lot! Dwi’n teimlo fel bod fi di gwella fel artist (gobeithio) wrth neud hyn, a dysgu petha’ newydd, ffyrdd newydd o weithio wrth neud hefyd. Swni’n awgrymu i unrhywun neud wbeth tebyg - ond ella cychwyn efo wythnos, ne mis gynta. Ma blwyddyn chydig bach yn extreme os dachi ddim yn arfer neud llunia’n aml! Er mod i wedi mwynhau neud hyn, a dwi mor falch bod i wedi neud o…dwi ddim isho neud o eto! Odd y pwysa o “gorfod” neud llun bob dydd, hyd yn oed pan onin teimlo’n sal neu i ffwrdd, chydig yn ddiangen yn arbennig ar ben petha’ erill fel gwaith. Er, mi nes i fethu un ne ddau o ddiwrnodau oherwydd hyn, oedd o bob tro’n cefn meddwl i tan i fi dal fyny efo nhw y diwrnoda wedyn. Felly rwan, dwi’n teimlo’n rhydd i neud gymint neu dim gymint o lunia personol a dwi isho! A be sy’n neis ydi, dwi’n cymyd yr agwedd o bod hi well i just neud unrw lun - dim ots pa mor dda ne ddrwg ydi o, yn lle dim o gwbl. Felly os ydach chi ffansi neud wbeth tebyg, cerwch amdani, a neud unrw lun, dim ots be ydi o! Ond ella just cychwyn off efo wsos ne mis i ddechra efo…!


Phew! 365 (well… I went lost somewhere and managed 366 somehow?!) drawings done in 2018. When I started, I thought I’d just make quick little drawings/doodles, not into much detail - but I can’t really do that…sometimes I had to, but mainly I wanted to be happy with every drawing I did. I wasn’t of course… I’m a bit of a perfectionist… and not in a good way!
Anyway - I’m so glad I’ve finished this little project I set myself, and I’m kind of shocked I’ve managed to finish it. I’m more of a ‘start and finish a job within a short time’, so commiting to something that was this long was a lot! I feel I’ve improved as an artist (I hope) by doing this, and learnt new things as well, new ways of working etc. I’d recommend anyone to do something similar- but maybe start with a week, or month, first. A year is slightly extreme if you’re not used to drawing often! Even though I’ve enjoyed this, and really glad I’ve done it… I wouldn’t want to do it again! The pressure of “have to” draw every day, even if I wasn’t well or away/busy, a little unnecessary especially on top of other things like work. Although, I did miss one or two days because of things like this, it was always in the back of my head until I’d caught up with them the following days. So now, I feel free to make as many or as little personal drawings as I’d like! And what’s nice is, what I’ve taken from this is that it’s better to just draw anything and get it down on paper - no matter how good or bad it is. So if you fancy doing something similar, I’d highly recommend, and draw anything, it doesn’t matter what it is! But maybe just start with a week or a month…!